Matrix Editions
serious mathematics,
written with the reader in mind

Sample Pages

Solving Linear Systems: An Analysis of Matrix
Prefactorization Iterative Methods

by Zbigniew Ignacy Woźnicki

book cover, 
		 Solving Linear SystemsISBN-13: 9780971576667
554 pages, 8 x 10 inches, hardcover, smythe-sewn binding
More than 230 figures and 140 tables

2009, $89

Please consider recommending that your university or department librarian order this book. Thank you!

The sample pages are in pdf. They are all copyrighted. You are welcome to print one copy for your use.

Chapter 0 (pages 1-2)
Chapter 1 (pages 5-6)
Chapter 2 (pages 41-42)
Chapter 2 (pages 68-69)
Chapter 3 (pages 70-71)
Chapter 3 (pages 107-108)
Chapter 4 (pages 129-130)
Chapter 5 (pages 199-201)
Chapter 6 (pages 248-249)
Chapter 7 (pages 267-269)
Chapter 8 (pages 308-309)

Appendix A (numerical experiments for chapter 4, pages 349-350)
Appendix B (numerical experiments for chapter 5, pages 426-427)
Appendix C (numerical experiments for chapter 6, pages 478-479)
Appendix D (numerical experiments for  chapter 7, pages 514-515)