For rent: beautiful spacious furnished apartment in Marseille

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Above: piano and African mask in living room.



Above: picture taken in February from living room. In spring and summer, tops of trees are visible from living room windows and front bedroom windows.


Above: bedroom off dining room has two built-in bookcases and cupboards, bed, armoire, chest of drawers and room for a table.

Above: bookcase and cupboard to left of bed in picture above. Apartment comes with large collection of books.

Above: bed in front bedroom. Room is as large as living room, perhaps larger. Like the living room, it has two big windows giving onto balconies. Room has armoire, large table, large antique mirror, paintings, ethernet connection. This room and third bedroom have linoleum floors; other rooms (except for baths and kitchen) have parquet floors.



Above: kitchen tables seats three comfortably. Clementines bought at local market.


Above: Gas range, electric oven, dishwasher, clothes washer. Facing wall has refrigerator, counter and cupboard space, table. Kitchen also has additional tall cupboard and a cleaning closet.

Above: small part of office, which is an alcove of the living room. Large, handsome desk obscured by papers. Cable installed for connecting to Internet or for television. Painting, like the others, by an artist in Avignon.


Chest of drawers has marble top. This bedroom, off dining room, gets morning sun, as does third bedroom. Living room, office, and front bedroom get afternoon sun.


Armoire in front bedroom, with bed in foreground.



Available August 1, 2004 for one-year or two-year lease. Write John or Barbara Hubbard at

  Third bedroom, not shown, is currently the domain of 16-year-old and not presentable. It has large bed, chest of drawers, armoire, table, keyboard, and a private tiled bath (tub/shower, sink, bidet, no toilet). The apartment also has a very large full bathroom, and a small room with toilet and sink.  

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